THE STORYThe Raven’s Promise Campaign hinges upon only 1 initial story conceit:Įach PC is drawn toward the village of The Hollows (the “home base” town) by a recurring dream: All this in effect creates a complete, living, breathing world which the players may explore, and interact with however they want in order to accomplish their goals. I keep track of time passing with Raven’s Reckoning, and each in-game week, the most active factions take Domain Actions, according to (modified) rules from An Echo, Resounding. I added roughly 80 villages to the map, divided them into roughly 10 independent Domains/Kingdoms/Fiefdoms.
I’ve used the game’s tools, plus a ton of resources (detailed below) to completely flesh out the world and all settlements & major adventure site locations. They must motivate themselves to explore, interact with the world, and find quests. The world is completely fleshed out, and evolves and changes as factions take actions regardless of whether the PCs choose to get involved or not- there is no plotline the PCs must follow. In a “West Marches” game, PCs have a “home base” town, where they can safely park their character between adventures. This is a “West Marches” style game, currently with about 8 active players, and several more presently dormant. I’d like to introduce you to my campaign world, which I am calling Forbidden Lands: Raven’s Promise. He and his new companions now creep through the black hallways of the ancient crypt." - Forbidden Lands: Raven’s Promise In the dead of Winter, he follows prophetic dreams of a yellow-eyed girl-savior, and an abandoned temple within the small, secluded village of The Hollows. "Dyrwud Benlocks is a Halfing seer, granted his gifts through a traumatizing encounter with the demon world, Chermog. I'll upload the video once stream is over. I've got a new player who runs a twitch channel, and we're streaming his 2nd session as he enters explores Count Nepola's tomb with a few other PCs. I've been running an open table, "West Marches" style Forbidden Lands campaign for the last 7 months or so, with The Hollows as the "home base" town for the PCs. Forbidden Lands How to: Skill Tests via Youtube.Forbidden Lands Podcast (one-off) by /u/non_player.Running Dark Sun with Forbidden Lands rules by /u/TheAbyssGazesAlso.Discord Bot for random generation by /u/mockinggod.Google Sheets Character Creator by u/bon-bon.
Treasure and Finds Generator by /u/Kaelthir.New Creatures and Monsters by /u/RealSpandexAndy.

If you would like your content added to this list, feel free to make a post here to share the resource, and we can add it to this list! Cheat Sheets We reserve the right to add or remove resources to this list. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.Here is a list of resources linked within this subreddit for the Forbidden Lands RPG by Fria Ligan (Free League). We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table.
If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ Effekt APĭave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. Like what we do?Leave a review on iTunes or PodchaserFind essay transcripts and other stuff on Matthew's, and Dave's blogsUse this link to buy Free League stuff in PDF Music is The Forbidden Lands by Alve, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

Episodes 8 to 17 are on this feed.EffektAP is brought to you by Effekt. The previous episodes of this actual play can be found on our other feed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. But the goblin is distracted by hidden treasures. Having temporarily gained the trust of the Emperor Hroka, his wife Soria, and the ancient elf Iridne, Isembold and Tengrail offer to negotiate with Klotinda, while Gormer shows the orcs the entrance to the secret passage. Recorded last November as part of our annual gaming retreat. Now, after all sort of adventures in space, with xenomorphs and the dark between we stars, we return to the Eye of the Rose and catch up with Gormer, Isembold and Tengrail, for the thrilling concluding episodes of A Ruby for Hroka. Its been almost a year since we last heard from the Forbidden Lands.