Why people dislike eroges
Why people dislike eroges

why people dislike eroges

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why people dislike eroges

Warrior- Wow- the world is (practically) your oyster here, most races can be warrior. Welcome to the Random Thought Thread (RTT). Mage: I would choose a Blood Elf for horde mages, suit mage best especially with the race bonuses, and Human for alliance, as they look best so they're a good choice for a main char, and have quite balanced stats. Tauren and Blood Elf are your choices in horde (but would have to make a blood elf for now). Paladin: If you choose to go alliance, you've got loads of races to choose, I would choose human. You know that, of course, I would choose to change to troll when cataclysm comes out. Horde druids get to be trolls as well as taurens in cataclysm. This is often a negligible part of the content in terms of volume, and especially in the more highly-regarded story-based eroge, the H-scenes are quite inferior to the rest of the material. I guess orc is a nice horde char to have as a shaman, but if you're more of a tauren fan, pick tauren! In alliance, if you're aiming to make the char BEFORE cata, you're gonna have to go with Draenei, which you could always race change to dwarf when cataclysm comes out (but I wouldn' Prefer Draenei personally) Druid: Obvious what races you can be, but if you do go alliance for cata and LOVE worgens- they get to be druids, so you COULD race ) Personally I would stay Night Elf. For most eroge visual novels, you can typically expect one or two H-scenes per heroine. If you don't like them, try something new, like a mage, warrior, or warlock! As for races: Shaman- I'm a troll, but lots of people dislike trolls for many reasons. What you said sounded a lot like me (before I realised I have the most fun and play best on my shaman) I could never decide a class to stay on, so I would recommend you to try and go with druid, especially since they carry lots of different playing styles, and all possible roles, you might find them the most interesting to play. Personally, I'm a Shaman, and find them the most fun to play, however, I don't have a lvl 80 druid, but my friends play lvl 80 druid and I've tried them and think they're great, and my brother has an (almost) lvl 80 Paladin, and I've tried that, not really a pala person, but you might be- what you find most fun is your own personal opinion. 2) As for a versatile and fun class, if I were you, go with a Shaman, Druid or a Paladin, as these are all fun to play IMO (especially shaman and druid) and can fill at least 2 roles (Shaman: Healer and DPS of both kinds (ranged caster and melee) (Druid: Tanking, melee and ranged DPS and healer) (Pala: Melee DPS, Healer and Tank). If you're friends are not all like "Allies are for n00bs" (: they're not over obsessed and are normal :P) they might even join you if you convince them. 1) Personally, I'm horde, and prefer horde, especially since all of my IRL friends are horde, but if you reckon you can make in game friends when you go alliance, go for it! A lot of servers are alliance populated.

Why people dislike eroges